Page Options

What are the Page Options?

To modify and manage pages, use the page options. To access the page options menu, simply select any page in the Story Editor and the options menu will appear.

Page Options include:

Update Duplicate Combine With... Page Theme Page Dialogs Remove

Update a page

Update or edit a page in the Story Editor. Select this option to edit the page contents and settings.

Duplicate a page

Use this option to create a copy of a single page. To speed up authoring and to re-use content, you can duplicate a story or individual pages in a story.

Combine With...

Use this option to combine pages that could work well together. Combining pages is also helpful if you wish to minimise the number of pages in a story.

To combine two pages, simply select Combine With... from the page options menu. Next, select the page that you would like to combine with the one you have already selected.

Break apart combined pages. Select the Break Apart option to undo / break apart combined pages.

Swap the combined pages order. Use the Swap Layers option to switch the order of the combined pages.

Modify the width of each page in a combined page. Select the arrow icon separating the pages to modify layout: Equal Width (each page has an equal width, Narrow Left (left page is narrower than the right, or Narrow Right (right page is narrower than the left).

Page Theme

Create page themes to quickly adopt a consistent style across multiple pages. From the page options menu, select Page Theme. To create a theme, select the Create Theme button. Next, upload an image, add a Theme Name. Adjust the Image Settings and Text & Content Settings as desired. Save.

Apply a Page Theme. From the page options menu, select Page Theme. To create a theme, select the tick icon to the left of the theme you wish to apply.

Page Theme text colours. When using a Page Theme, it is recommended to set the text colour that should be applied to all font styles in content pages using that Page Theme.

Page Dialog

Add a helpful message to the page. This can be helpful in aid of user guidance. From the page menu, select Page Dialogs then select +Dialog to configure.

Page dialogs are instructional and conversational messages for your users. When you add them, they will pop up as soon as the page is opened. You could add a Page Dialog to:

  • Introduce a virtual facilitator, guide, or helper

  • Instruct the user

  • Impart some friendly words of encouragement

  • Provide extra information

Add an icon. A dialog icon or image can be added (256x256px in .svg, .jpg or .png.

Add up to three dialogs per page. The dialog message can be up to 255 characters long.

To see your Page Dialogs in action, simulate your story.

Remove page

Delete any unwanted pages. From the page options menu, you can select Remove Page to delete a single page. This action can not be undone.

Last updated