Create a series of questions to test knowledge.
Last updated
Create a series of questions to test knowledge.
Last updated
Open Authoring, and select the + icon.
Select Assessment.
Enter the required details.
Name. Name your assessment (max. 24 characters).
Theme. Choose a theme (each account comes with a default theme).
Publish content to... Select your target app.
Select the Create button.
Your new assessment will open in the Assessment Editor .
Add the required details and compose your assessment.
The scoring option is set to Evaluate. Answers are evaluated and are either correct or incorrect.
In the Assessment Editor you can:
Add Page ("+"). Add a page to build your assessment.
Chapter Navigation. Easily access chapters.
Desktop / Tablet View. View pages in desktop or tablet mode.
Zoom In / Out Pages. Zoom in and out to suit your screen size.
Mobile View. View pages in mobile mode.
Workflow. Add feedback, comments, tasks to share with .
Run simulator. Simulate the assessment to see a preview.
Shuffle pages. Drag and drop pages to order.
The Assessment Editor is limited to the following pages:
Audio + Text. Add an audio file and text only. Drag + Drop. Create a drag & drop card activity. Icon + Text. Add an icon and text only. Image + Text. Add an image and text only. Image Cover. Add a full-screen image with text overlay. Image Select. Images can be selected to answer a question. Multiple Choice. Create a series of questions. In Settings, you can manage scoring options and award completion certificates. Multiple Select. Create a question with multiple answer choices. Text. Add text only on a solid background. Video + Text. Add a video and text only. Video Cover. Add a full-screen image with text overlay. YouTube Video. Stream a video from YouTube.